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-"GET MORE LIFE." - A Point to Point Parcel Delivery Service in Hong Kong with Real-Time Map Tracking, A Government backed Virtue App launch

Virtue is an exciting new online mobile app for iOS and Android devices. With a brand philosophy of celebrating life, Virtue aims to disrupt the lifeless parcel delivery market segment in Hong Kong.

HONG KONG, April 16, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Driven to liberate people from wasting hours of their lives waiting for parcel delivery, in mid April this year,Virtue app is all set to break into city's logistics and freight delivery business in Hong Kong.

Virtue is a very convenient mobile application to fast track your courier delivery needs in Hong Kong.

Virtue app is a Government backed venture of Trekar Ltd founded by visionary millennials from Hong Kong. At the small yet contemporary and well equipped office sits an equally energetic team that has worked incessantly to perfect the Virtue brand.

Clement Yip, the co-founder of the Trekar Ltd says, "Virtue App exists to free up your life, by giving more time back to the users we're essentially giving their life back, hence why our slogan is GET MORE LIFE." Virtue App does so by letting the user choose any point on the Hong Kong's map to send a parcel, be it an office address or a beach in Lantau Island. The Receiver only needs to have the authenticated code via SMS to receive the parcel and he/she can use the app and know exactly where and when the parcel will get to them via a real-time tracking map, James Bond style.

At the core of Virtue App lays the delivery helpers, aptly named 'Heroes' they are the engine that drives Virtue. Anyone with free time have the chance to become a 'Hero' but not all are chosen, only the trusted and those who have passed the Virtue's guidelines goes on to become a Hero. Virtue Hero App allows the delivery heroes to complete their mission efficiently and save the day.

"We hope to make Virtue a Hong Kong brand that Hong Kong people can be proud of. An App made by the Hong Kong people for the Hong Kongpeople." - Clement Yip, the co-founder.

For more Information:

Media Enquiries Jonni Limbu, Creative and Marketing Manager Tel: +852 3705 6570 Email:

GET MORE LIFE - Virtue提供全新點對點實時追蹤的速遞配送服務

香港2018年4月16日電 /美通社/ -- Virtue,一款可於 iOS 和 Android 裝置上使用的手機應用程式正式上架。為了讓人們盡快取得重要物件及節省漫長的包裹等待時間,Trekar Ltd. 開發了 Virtue 。在政府的支持及 Trekar 團隊不懈的努力下,Virtue 致力為用戶提供快而準的收發服務;打破傳統的包裹速遞市場之餘,更希望讓使用者享受到個人化的新體驗。

傳統的郵件投遞服務手續繁複,寄件者要手寫多項資料甚至親身投遞;收件者也需要等待數天才會收到包裹。假如用家急需領取包裹,相信傳統的郵件投遞服務未能滿足使用者。相反,Virtue 為使用者提供即時、快捷的送遞服務。送遞人員上門取件後快至兩小時內便能把重要的東西送到對方手上。

下載 Virtue 後,用戶可以在地圖上點取任何地點作為包裹收派點。不論市區、新界;辦公室甚至沙灘, Virtue 的 HERO(送遞人員)都會盡快把包裹送到目的地。收件人只需通過 SMS 確認碼便可收取包裹,確保無誤。另外,用戶亦可以通過地圖實時追踪及查看包裹的位置。

Virtue 的核心由 HERO 組成。任何有閒暇的人都可以申請成為 HERO ,在空餘時間送遞包裹。然而為了保障每位用戶,只有通過評估及培訓的人才能真正成為 Virtue 送遞團隊的一份子。誠實可靠的 HERO 將有效、迅速地完成他們的派遞任務。

Trekar Ltd. 的創辦人表示:「 Virtue 致力讓用戶可以享有更多自由時間,畢竟減少浪費時間就可以做更多自己想做的事,感受生命的美好。因此,我們的口號是『GET MORE LIFE. 』。」他強調:「 Virtue 是一個香港人製作的本土應用程式。我們希望把它打造成一個令本地人為之驕傲的品牌。」

如欲查詢詳情,可聯絡 : Trekar Ltd. 創意及市場拓展部經理 Jonni Limbu 電話:+852 3705 6573 電郵

市場拓展部助理 Joanne Lo 電話:+852 3705 6572 電郵

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